Website Rescue and Reclamation
Recently we've been busy rescuing companies that get into trouble with DIY website projects, Wordpress and other consumer grade or DIY tools. They’re trying so hard to save a couple bucks that they end up getting taken to the cleaners. It turns out for most small businesses that building on Wordpress or asking good ole "Uncle Bud" to build and host your businesses website, is a costly mistake.
Businesses large and small need “business class” web and content management systems that can grow and scale with their enterprise. We help companies rescue and reclaim their websites and web projects. We can help you make the transition to a more manageable and affordable web and content management solution. And we can even do it without requiring a complete site redesign. (We don't build websites, use, or do anything with Wordpress and for your business we strongly recommend you don't either... for Blogs, Bloggers and Blogging it's fine.)