Is Calculating Measurable ROI Marketing's Black Art?
Marketing is a tool for growth no doubt. Measuring the value of marketing has been less certain and is often considered an elusive black art. We believe when you invest in marketing, you should know what kind of results you are getting from your investment. If we were making the investment for ourselves, we'd insist on it. For many organizations it's a challenge to stay focused and disciplined, and to follow through in measuring and monitoring the value of their marketing investments.
Download the eBooklet
Is Measurable ROI Marketing's Black Art? - A Simple and Practical Formula for Identifying the Value of Your Marketing Investment. You'll find some easy and often overlooked ideas for tracking the results of your digital media and marketing initiatives.
- 2 Scenearios showing actual results from mobile markeitng campaigns
- A simple and easy to follow formula for calculating ROI
- Ideas to increase repeat customers - customer loyalty

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